Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking Time 4 Mommy ~Mandie Stevens~ Unveils Promotional Books Tours.

"If you find yourself lacking purpose, remember what is really important in life."

Mandie Stevens is one of those amazing women who do it all and still manage to look like this! 
She's a busy mom, a home schooler, a blogger/reviewer, an on-line community founder and now she's adding an author promotional tool to her to-do list.

My name is Mandie Stevens and I am co-owner and founder of the Time 4 Mommy Community. I am also owner of ereadingonthecheap.com and Promotional Book Tours. (A Work in Progress). All came out of complete selfishness.

The community sprang from my blog Taking Time for Mommy. which I’ve had in one form or another for the last five years. I started it because I left a career to stay home with my children and needed to stay in touch with the outside world. Now we have an entire community where moms can connect with each other with several groups including the writing and critiquing groups I’m involved with.

The book site and tour group came out of my love for reading and writing. I have a lot of marketing resources at my disposal and wanted to be able to help other authors like myself get their books noticed.

What is your goal or purpose in what you do in life?

My goal is to be the best mother and wife I can possibly be. If I wasn’t writing or blogging I can honestly say as long as I have them I’ll still be happy.

What are you working on right now?

My WIP is an urban Fantasy Novel called Grapple. I’m building Author Websites, scheduling Virtual Book Tours, and blogging.

How do you balance your home and family life and your work?

I home school my daughters (and yes before you ask they are socialized *wink* *wink*) We have a very strict schedule. Between school work and housework, I am on and off of the computer working. I have to remember what my priorities are and to make sure not to take too much on.
(Sounds like someone I know...)

What is your advice to people who feel their lives are lacking purpose?

If you find yourself lacking purpose, remember what is really important in life.

Thanks Mandie for bravely subjecting yourself to my questioning!  For those who want to connect with others, please make sure you stop by TIME 4 MOMMY and check out all the different communities they have there.  There literally is something for everyone, including giveaways.  If you are an author and are interested in having a blog tour, please contact Mandie at http://promotionalbooktours.com/ .


  1. I belong to Mandie's site and she does a fantastic job of socializing all of us! Great interview. I loved learning more about her. I am tweeting so others can come over. Also, please post it on my Facebook page for my followers. Donna

  2. Thanks so much, Mandie (and of course, S.B.).
    As one who works an 11 hour day-job, I appreciate how difficult it can be when one is juggling so much. If it weren't for the fact that I'm 42 and I never thought I would be a published writer, living the dream, I wouldn't be doing all of this. Thanks for the encouragement.


  3. Thanks Donna for re-posting and James for stopping by!

  4. Mandie, you an inspiration to me! Keep doing what you're doing:)

    Silvina, thanks so much for showing your followers a terrific person!

  5. Thanks SB for visiting my blog and commenting. I had a solid glass stove top that shattered one year. That was freaky. Amazing how the simplest of things can fix them. :) Donna

  6. That's a fantastic idea. I will likely use it at some time (hopefully in the near future).

  7. Thanks for a great interview! I'm a homeschooling mom as well, and it can be difficult to balance writing, blogging, family, and life all together.

